

Everyone has different skills, we all enjoy different things. Have a look at the following roles and see which one best suits you. Whichever one you choose, we know you’ll learn so much and have a wonderful experience.

The commitment you make is entirely up to you but typically would involve 1-2 hours per week for Team Members and about 3-4 hours per week for Team Leaders. As part of the Planning Team, you don’t have to attend the event on the 23rd but if you would like to do that too, you’ll have an opportunity to apply and help out on this wonderful day.

We recommend making a note of a couple of the roles just in case the one you prefer has already been taken. Whichever role you do, we know you’ll learn so much and have a wonderful experience.

If you already know what roles you’d like to volunteer for, let’s take you right there!

Basket Brigade Leader

The BIG role. The person responsible for the running of this wonderful event. A truly committed individual who’s looking for significant growth and to develop their leadership

They’ll be guided by previous leaders and coached in each aspect of organising the
leadership team and running the event.

As Giles, a previous Leader commented, “if you want to learn to lead, learn to lead


You’ll be pleased to know this isn’t about shaking buckets! Nope, it’s about developing contacts that want to help. 

Responsibilities include:

– Seeking, negotiating & sourcing items for our online auction.

– Looking for opportunities to match a company’s desire to support Corporate Social.

– Responsibility with volunteer opportunities.

– Designing ways to increase corporate sponsorship of the event.

– Collaborating with the Marketing team.

If you have a nice persuasive manner and are happy sourcing items and corporate contacts, this is the role for you.


Our Marketing & Communication Team are the voice of the event and vital to its success.

Driven to shout from every rooftop about the event and the difference people can make at Christmas, you and your team will inspire others to want to help.

Responsibilities include:

– Designing and developing key marketing messages for volunteers, charities and partners.

– Designing innovative ideas for raising the profile of Basket Brigade UK.

– Designing & writing emails to our subscribers.

– Posting & sharing on social media.

– Sourcing PR opportunities & connecting with those in PR.


Our Charities Team is key to the right recipients receiving our baskets of food, love and hope.

Responsibilities include:

– Reaching out to charities to find recipients for this years’ baskets.

– Liaising with charity partners to identify those most suitable.

– Overseeing all charity communication and partnerships.

– Reviewing and cleansing data.


You’re a tech wizard!

Whether you’re a Business Analyst, Programmer, Coder or IT enthusiast, this is a great opportunity to help us automate many of the processes and data.

Built on the Google Sheets scripted registration system, responsibilities include:

– Creating and integrating Google forms.

– Administering and configuring systems such as Zoho ONE & Google Workspace.

– Designing innovative ways to utilise technology to improve the processes and procedures of Basket Brigade.

– Creating a process for matching driver data to recipient data.

– Working with Zoho Champion, WordPress webmaster and IT Mgr.

Safety Team

Guiding & assisting the hundreds of volunteers to ensure they’re kept safe and
in the right place.

Responsibilities include:

– Helping marshall the event to ensure the safety of all volunteers.

– Guiding volunteers to the right place.

– Managing the car park.


A bargain hunter who loves negotiating and thrives on beating targets.

Responsibilities include:

– Negotiating with suppliers
on the best deals possible.

– Sourcing alternative suppliers.

– Liaising with wholesalers.

– Sourcing luxury items that organisations are willing to donate.

– Purchasing ancillary items needed for the event.


The beating heart of the event, helping to manage what happens when & where.

Responsibilities include:

– Overseeing and managing all aspects of logistics, including site selection and management, location details, routes, etc.

– Sourcing supporting items such as AV, Walkie Talkies and T-Shirts.

– Planning timeline of the
event day.

– Planning & executing events on the 23rd.

Project Manager

You just love managing people!

If planning and bringing teams together is your thing, you can expect to:

– Support the Leader in overseeing the project management of the team.

– Keep the organisation of the event on track.

– Oversee and coordinate all Basket Brigade activities.

– Liaise with all stake holders as required.

Crew Manager

Responsibility is your
middle name! 

You’ll be in charge of the wonderful crew and helping them put on the best event of the year. 

You’ll be:

– Identifying what roles the crew team will have on the event day.

– Setting up communication groups for the crew.

– Designing and developing online training.

– Training crew leaders on their roles in advance of the day so they’re well prepared.

– Allocating crew into crew teams.

– Orchestrating the crew teams on event day.

New Role

We’ve got all the Leadership roles we need at the moment but when a new role is needed, it’ll go here!

New Role

We’ve got all the Leadership roles we need at the moment but when a new role is needed, it’ll go here!

Now that you’ve had a look at the different roles and got some idea what each one involves, click through to a more in-depth explanation of what you can be expected to do if you’re successful with your application.

If the role isn’t showing, it means it has now been filled. So please click through to the roles that are left and apply for one of those. We wish you all the best and hope to see you soon.

Frequently asked questions about the Planning Team.

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